Follow these steps to embed a LiL video in a course page:
- Create a MyCanvas page (usually within a module)
- Add the LinkedIn Learning video by selecting the Apps icon
in the Rich Text Editor
- You may need to select the More [⋮] options menu to view the Apps plug-in Icon.
- Select View All in the Apps menu and then select LinkedIn Learning.
- In the LinkedIn Learning pop-up window, search for a full course, video, or learning path.
- Click the Add button next to the desired video(s) and then click Confirm at the bottom of the page.
- Click the Saved button when you are finished. And don't forget to Publish!
Student Access
- Students may need to log into LinkedIn Learning to view the video
- Students will see the entire LinkedIn Learning platform screen, not just the video
- Videos will auto-play unless students turn off the auto-play setting in their personal LinkedIn Learning account. Steps for doing this are outlined in Disabling Autoplay of Videos.