Getting Started
- About
- Respondus is a software company that offers assessment applications for education. Mohawk College utilizes two of their products, LockDown Browser and Monitor, to facilitate online proctoring.
- Access
- Respondus must be enabled in Settings in MyCanvas, before configuring each quiz. Please see the article Quiz Set up using LockDown Browser and Monitor for detailed instructions.
- Purpose
- Respondus LockDown Browser is a customized browser that increases the security of online quizzing in MyCanvas. When students use LockDown Browser to take a quiz, they are unable to print, copy, go to another URL, or access other applications until the quiz has been submitted. As an instructor, you can choose which of your MyCanvas quizzes will require students to use LockDown Browser.
Respondus Monitor builds on LockDown Browser adding a fully-automated proctoring system, for for non-proctored environments. Each student’s quiz attempt is recorded using their webcam, and the recordings are available to you shortly after the session. Monitor also provides a set of snapshot images of key moments during the session, and provides other indicators of the likeliness of cheating.
- MyCanvas Integration
- Works within MyCanvas
The use of Respondus LockDown Browser effectively creates a secure testing environment for MyCanvas and includes a number of features, including:
- Assessments are displayed full-screen and cannot be minimized
- Browser menu and toolbar options are removed, except for Back, Forward, Refresh and Stop
- Prevents access to other applications including messaging, screen-sharing, and remote desktops
- Printing and screen capture functions are disabled
- Copying and pasting anything to or from an assessment is prevented
- Right-click menu options, function keys, keyboard shortcuts and task switching are disabled
- Can be configured such that students cannot exit until the the quiz is submitted for grading
- Assessments that are set up for use with LockDown Browser cannot be accessed with other browsers
How to Enable Respondus
If LockDown Browser link is not visible on the Course Navigation menu.
- Visit Settings from the Course Navigation menu
- Choose the Navigation tab
- Drag or Enable the LockDown Browser item from the hidden section to the visible section
- Save your change
Note: the LockDown Browser link will not be visible to students.
How to configure a Quiz to use Respondus
Once LockDown Browser is enabled on the Course Navigation menu, you will be able to turn on LockDown Browser for selected quizzes.
- Visit the LockDown Browser link on the Course Navigation menu to view a list of all the quizzes.
- On the quiz, select the dropdown menu immediately to the left and choose Settings.
- Select Require Respondus LockDown Browser for this exam.
- Open the Advanced Settings to open an additional set of options and select them as desired.
Once LockDown Browser has been selected, you will now as have the option to add Proctoring if desired.
- Select Require Respondus Monitor (automated proctoring) for this exam.
- Open the Advanced Settings to open an additional set of options and select them as desired.
- Click or press Save + Close.
Important: Create a Practice Quiz
Ensure a smooth first exam experience with LockDown Browser by having students complete an ungraded practice quiz requiring its use. Ideally, use the same devices and network they'll utilize for graded quizzes.
- Offer the practice quiz at the course outset or several days before the initial graded exam.
- Specify a deadline for completion, incentivizing with points or extra credit.
- Allow unlimited attempts with a duration of several minutes for meaningful proctoring results.
- Remind students of LockDown Browser's troubleshooting and Live Chat support.
- Keep the practice quiz available throughout the course for reattempting due to computer or network changes.
How can students get help with Respondus?
Students can visit the following Respondus Guide
- LockDown Browser - Resources
- Quiz Set up using LockDown Browser
- INFOsheet: Faculty Guide for Online Proctoring
- INFOsheet: Quiz Security and Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor